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Tiny Movers


Tiny Movers Indoor Playground
(Crawlers - Age 4)

Our Tiny Movers Indoor Playground is an open gym experience for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and their parents.  The playground features toddler and preschool friendly climbing obstacles and a variety of age-appropriate equipment allowing Tiny Movers to build motor skills, have a space for sensory exploration, and opportunities for socialization!  Grownups get to socialize also!  Tiny Mover members can drop in any time on Mondays and Wednesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm AND join music and movement class at 10 a.m. on both days.  *All students should be accompanied by a grown-up for this class.  (Unlimited Open Gym Time Access, $50 per month)

Tiny Movers Music and Movement
(Crawlers - Age 4)

Our Tiny Movers Music and Movement class is included in the Tiny Movers Indoor Playground Memberships.  Tiny Movers and their parents will enjoy singing and dancing to a variety of movement songs encouraging skills such as following directions, imitating movements, and moving to rhythms.  Muisc and Movement happens Monday and Wednesday at 10:00am. *All students should be accompanied by a grown-up for this class.  (Included in Tiny Mover Membership)

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